Friday, August 29, 2008

Dog Food Secrets To A Happy Dog

Puppy Nutrition - Investigating Canned Dog Food

Dog Food SECRETS™ is your survival-guide to a healthier, happier dog that lives up to 8.3 years longer than dogs whose owners feed them only commercial dog food, and don't follow the comprehensive steps outlined for people to follow.

It's been documented that dogs fed exclusively on specific, well-balanced, calorie-controlled, home-made recipes, and follow the same principles of nutrition & calorie control, your pet can truly live up to 8.3 years longer. (That's like you living for an extra 57-years after statistics predict you should be dead!)

A Must Read If You Care About Your Dog!!

Discover the 3 deadly, cancer-causing, organ damaging preservatives to look for in the ingredients of commercial dog food, which were banned from human food years ago!

Understand The 4 Percentage-Rules rules which govern how dog food companies must list their ingredients.

Discover the disgraceful truth about dog foods labeled as "premium," "superpremium" and even, "ultra-premium" or "gourmet".

Find out what the terms 'Natural' and 'Organic' really mean when you see them on dog food packaging.

The 1 small word that makes the difference between your dog eating dead pets, road kill and diseased animals OR NOT.

Witness the dog food industry's sinister 'Protein-Scam' exposed with all it's ugliness and learn how to detect it in seconds.

Dog food companies heartlessly exploit loophole which allows them to add a very cheap form of protein that has almost zero nutritional value to a dog.

You may be disgusted after reading this! But it will be woth it, if you still have the chance to save your dog from an early death.


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